From RStudio to Remarkable: transform your R development with VS CodeI’m a data scientist working on unraveling the patterns and drivers of global marine biodiversity. I recently switched from RStudio to…Feb 22, 20241Feb 22, 20241
Producing a global map of Sea Surface Oxygen in RPlotting spatial data is a common task in research, but this requires a set of technical / design tools, which sometimes are not available…Dec 13, 20213Dec 13, 20213
Published inSea changeThe Ocean’s Missing Highways: A Threat to BiodiversityKeywords: Marine Protected Areas; Biodiversity connectivityMar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
Mapping Arctic sea ice extent in RSea ice generates as seawater freezes, and because it is less dense than sea water, it floats throughout the surface of the ocean. Sea…Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
Downloading multiple biodiversity records from iNaturalist using PythoniNaturalist is a global platform where naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists post their observations with photographs…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
Reducing spatial autocorrelation in Species Distribution ModellingA set of R pipelines to reduce the negative effect of spatial autocorrelation.Aug 5, 20201Aug 5, 20201
Producing a landmass shapefile of the Last Glacial Maximum in RFew lines of R code to produce a landmass shapefile of the Last Glacial Maximum for Geographic Information Systems.Dec 22, 2019Dec 22, 2019
Standardized population genetic diversity in RGenetic diversity estimation per site or group of sites as standardized allelic richness and standardized number of private alleles…Dec 5, 2019Dec 5, 2019
Easy to use marine climate layers for ecological modellingHigh-resolution global climate layers for modelling the relationship between the occurrence and abundance of species and their environment.Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019
Published inSea changeIce Ages and the Genetic Legacy of the OceansThe glacial and interglacial cycles of the Quaternary were particularly important in shaping the distribution of species, with range…Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019